What is 'Swimmer's Ear'
Dive into tips for keeping your child's ears healthy after swimming, from a pediatric ENT in Frisco, TX

As summertime approaches, many families look forward to days filled with swimming and water play. However, frequent exposure to water can sometimes lead to an irritating and painful condition known as "swimmer's ear." In this blog, we'll explore what swimmer's ear is, how to recognize its symptoms, and ways to prevent it. If your child experiences persistent ear discomfort, consulting a pediatric Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist is always a good idea.
Understanding Swimmer’s Ear: What Is It?
Swimmer's ear, medically known as acute otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal, the tubular structure that goes from the outside of the ear to the eardrum. Unlike middle ear infections that occur behind the eardrum, swimmer’s ear is caused by moisture trapped in the ear canal, providing a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.
Recognizing the Symptoms: When to Be Concerned
The first sign of swimmer's ear is usually itchiness inside the ear, followed by increasing pain that might worsen when you tug on the earlobe. As the condition progresses, you may notice drainage of a yellow or white pus-like fluid. In severe cases, the pain can become quite intense and may even affect hearing temporarily. If these symptoms persist, it's crucial to get medical attention.
The First Line of Defense: At-Home Care
For mild symptoms, over-the-counter eardrops designed to dry out the ears can sometimes alleviate the problem. However, if symptoms persist for more than 48 hours or worsen despite at-home treatment, consult a healthcare provider. Do not insert cotton swabs or any objects into the ear, as this can worsen the condition and push bacteria further into the ear canal.
When to Consult a Pediatric ENT
If your child experiences recurrent episodes of swimmer's ear or if the condition doesn't improve with standard treatments, it may be time to consult a pediatric ENT. These specialists can conduct a thorough ear examination and may prescribe antibiotic ear drops tailored to your child's condition. In extreme cases, oral antibiotics or even minor surgery to drain the ear may be necessary.
Tips for Prevention: Keeping Those Little Ears Dry
Preventing swimmer's ear is often as simple as keeping the ears dry. Here are some tips:
Use a towel to dry ears immediately after swimming.
Tilt the head to both sides to allow water to escape from the ear canals.
Consider using over-the-counter ear drops that help evaporate excess moisture.
Teach children to avoid putting their heads fully underwater in hot tubs, where bacteria levels are often higher.
The Bottom Line: Early Detection and Prevention Are Key
Swimmer’s ear is an easily treatable condition when caught early, but can cause significant discomfort and complications if ignored. Parents should educate themselves and their children about the importance of keeping ears dry and be alert for the signs of an infection.